Howick-Pakuranga Baseball Club
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Q: Where are the games held?

A: Kiwi Ball is an in house program, all games are played on our home field.

Other age grade teams play against other clubs in the Auckland district, your draw may be from Karaka to as far as the North Shore. Please look at list of park addresses at the bottom of Parent Information page.

Q: What if my child is new to baseball, which team should they play in?

A: If you feel your child is not up to the playing level of the age grade they should be in, there may be player exemptions available where your child can play an age group down, which needs to be approved by the Auckland Baseball Association (ABA), so please advise when registering or get in contact with someone on the committee.

Q: When will I know what team my child is in?

A: Once teams are finalised, you will be contacted by your team’s coach. This is usually done by the end of September

Q: When will the team train?

A: The training times are organised by your coach, this is usually done after consultation with parents to find a time most suitable for everyone. This is also dependent upon availability of the grounds at the requested time.

Q: When will a draw be available?

A: An interim draw is usually published just before the season starts and the final draw will be available at the end of the year.

Q: Do we have to play during the Christmas and New Year's school holidays?

A: No. The competition usually winds up the week before Christmas and begins again at the end of January.

Q: What happens when it rains, are games still on?

A: If it has been raining, your coach or manager will contact you to advise if the game has been cancelled or if the grounds have been closed. Sometimes clubs do not know if their grounds are safe enough to play on until the morning of the game, so if you do not hear from your coach or manager, you must turn up ready to play, otherwise your team may forfeit the game.

Q: How involved do I have to be as a parent?

A: You can be as involved as you choose to be but you must appreciate that the club is run by volunteers who give up their time to make sure your child enjoys playing baseball. Baseball requires parents to participate so that a team can run effectively, this means that club members may be asked to volunteer to do tuck shop duty, help out at working bees, you may be asked to coach, or manage or help score for your team. We provide support if you are willing to take on any one of these roles. Experience has shown that parental participation can enhance the enjoyment of the sport for your children.

Q: How does the club communicate with members?

A: As a member, you will receive emails from the Club with information and notices on upcoming events. If you like our HP Baseball Club Facebook page, you will also get updated information on what is happening within the Club.

Q: Can I assist financially in terms of sponsorship?

A: Yes you can. We welcome any financial assistance to be able to provide the best equipment and services for your child. Please contact a committee member or let your coach know and they can pass on your contact details.

Q: Does the club embrace the Child Protection Policy?

A: Definitely, any person involved with your child must abide by this policy before they can coach, manage or umpire a team. This policy can be found here.

Q: When will the 2024-2025 season start/finish?

A: The first weekend of the season will be 2-3/11. This is the weekend after Labour Weekend. We are aiming to have a round of pre-season games the weekend before Labour Weekend for those available. The season will end Mid March with the exact date depending on your age group. There will be a Christmas break with the last game before Christmas the weekend of 14-15/12 and the first game back will be 18-19/1/25 depending on your age group.

Q: What time are games played?

5-8 year olds. Kiwi Ball and Sluggers - 8:30-10:00am Saturdays

Junior Baseball (Little League)10U Minor League – 9:30am Saturdays12U Major League – 2:00pm Saturdays13U Intermediate League – 9:30am Saturdays14U Junior League – 2:00pm Saturdays16U Senior League – 9:30am Saturdays

Senior Baseball

19U – 2:00pm SaturdaysDivisional (1&2) – 9:00am, 12:00pm, or 3:00pm SundaysReserves – 9:30am or 2:00pm SundaysPremier – 9:30am or 2:00pm Sundays

Q: Can you play "up a grade" as well to get more baseball?

A: Yes, you can as long as there is positions available in the higher grade.

You should register in your natural age grade as you are guaranteed a position in that grade. If you would like to also play in the grade above there is a box to check on the registration form. When forming the teams we can then see numbers naturally eligible for the grade + those looking to also play up and form teams accordingly. 

Note: There will be an expectation to be available to train with both teams when the schedules dont clash

Q: Do you need to pay as soon as you register?

A: No. Payment is not required immediately when registering. There are Bank account details included for future payment. However if you would like to pay as you register, there is credit card payment option available. If you would like to set up a payment plan, you can contact the club treasurer